This report, commissioned by Cumbria Vision and the NorthWest Development Agency, puts forward a detailed business plan for an Energy Agency for Cumbria, to promote low-carbon distributed energy and energy efficiency.
The Cumbrian Economic Strategy identifies ‘Energy and the opportunities of the low carbon economy’ as one of two strategic priorities for the County. Cumbria has an abundance of natural resources that could be used to generate electricity and heat, and a number of leading renewable and sustainable energy companies including Sundog, Gilkes and Energy4All. Despite this, it is not as effective as other areas in accessing funding and support for sustainable energy.
The proposed Agency would work at a strategic level, to improve opportunities for sustainable energy in the County. It would develop exemplar projects in partnership with local communities and businesses, following the successful approach of organisations elsewhere, such as Marches Energy Agency.
The report was presented to Cumbria Renewables Panel in April 2009, and Cumbria Vision is taking forward plans to establish the organisation.
Download the report here.